
Light and Shadow as One Important Part of Aesthetics of a Building Text

The light and shadow can be an important part of the aesthetics of a building. The negative space of my design is a "dark room". Instead of letting the sunlight go directly into it, I place a series of square shapes in front of the opening in the outside wall of my internal space. Hence, the image of the nature light is played in on the floor and the opposite wall. Then, the shadow and light became the texture and ornament of the wall and floor. Moreover, as the sunlight varying during the day, people will see a changing image. I also use the light and shadow as the decoration for my positive space. I use a series of openings on the wall of my external space. When the sunlight goes through them, a repetition of shadow and light is projected on the floor and the opposite wall. It decorates the ramp, path and studio. Furthermore, when people go through the path and ramp, the openings and shadows shows a depth of the spaces.