The following address is my EXP2 model. The ZIP includes my draft model 1&2, and my final developed model. Before you loading the game please copy my custom texture file - qxn3.utx into the texture folder in the game folder (steamapps\common\unreal tournament 2004\Textures). There are two final model (DM-ARCH1101_Xiaonan_Quan_3280179_EXP2_v1.18_tower.ut2 and DM-ARCH1101_Xiaonan_Quan_3280179_EXP2_ v1.18.ut2) in this ZIP. I choose the second one (DM-ARCH1101_Xiaonan_Quan_3280179_EXP2_ v1.18.ut2) as my final submission. However, I tried to give a solution for people to climb up the building in the first one. Please have a look. I edited my old work and post them. However, I found that the quality of the image is not as good as the old. Hence, please also check the post I posted in April.